JinnNelson: An Interview
An interview with the champion of The Stellar Awards, JinnNelson 1. Why do you write? Writing is my response to living, to put it simply. It’s how I explore my own thoughts and ideas, and how I connect with other humans. 2. How long have you been writing? I’m not exactly sure how long I’ve been writing. I began very young, writing sloppy weird stories and journalings in grade school and beyond. I started writing my first complete book at 14, which was…many years ago. 3. Do you believe in Writer's Block? If so, how do you deal with this? I’ve gotten writer’s block many times. I find it’s usually due to fatigue, or occasionally a bad environment where I can’t relax or be alone enough to create, but most of the time it comes down to not planning ahead and figuring out the bones of a story before I begin. I’ve also learned there’s a difference between writer’s block and just plain fear of moving forward to the next book or chapter, or whatever it is I need to write...