The Worst Piece of Writing Ever

I should be studying right now. My eyes are heavier by the second but my head is running round in circles. In fact, I should be asleep because it is currently 11:48 pm (your girl needs her beauty sleep).

But no. I'm writing.

I'm writing because I feel like I've been away from my world for a little too long. Reality stings, and hear me out when I say that reality has been way too intense for my liking. Writing keeps me sane. It's moments like these that make me realize how much I actually love the art of words, how much I can't bear a world without it.

Life has been. . . eventful, in the past three months. I never thought September would come by so quickly, but here I am. It pains me that I don't have much time for Wattpad. Less time for Wattpad means less time for honing my craft. Less time for my passion. Which means I'm too infested with school work.

I don't know what to call my life right now. And maybe, in some awfully weird sort of way, I find that exciting? I don't know. I'm walking on this bridge of glass. One wrong step and you shatter, but if you stay calm enough to reach the edge, then things work out just fine. It's this hollow depth of okay-ness and help me out-ness.

And. . . I think I want to write a new story. Don't tell me that this is just another book that I won't finish (fite meee). As a writer, there are really going to be constant bumps along the way. I'm incapable of being a hundred percent dedicated, because obviously, there's education first. And as a writer, there are times when my heart is terribly desperate to get the feelings out on paper. I need to see them, to process them, to be sure that even if I forget them, they'll stay forever. As much as it rips my emotions into tiny fragments, it sucks that they're only ever going to exist on paper. That they aren't real. But I can't say no either, because not doing anything about it would be torture.

I have no idea of what the plot is about. I have a slight idea of what the story's going to be about. I want it to be a short story -- because no way am I accepting the concept of 'permanent' again. I'll give updates as soon as progress happens.

This is probably one of the worst articles I have ever written. But who cares, my mind is in it's 12am state already. I love all you guys, especially my loyalists on Wattpad. I just want to say that. . . life is amazing, and I wish all of you would take the effort to notice the beauty in things which are so easily overlooked; because true happiness lies right there.



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