Originaljaime : The Interview

Winning first place in The Stellar Awards 2018 (Teen Fiction Category), here I present to you an interview with another one of the most talented authors on Wattpad -- Originaljaime.

1. Why do you write? 
To escape reality and live all the lives of my characters. I write, because when writing, it doesn't feel like an obligation but rather something that feels natural.

2. How long have you been writing?
I always loved reading, but the knack of writing started since I was 13 years old. 

3. Do you believe in Writer's Block? If so, how do you deal with this? 
Yes, I believe that Writer's Block is certainly real. I would take a short sabbatical from writing, by going out, getting a change of scenery, I would watch movies of my writing genre, listen to music and watched YouTube videos of what helped other writers.

4. What is your favourite book outside of wattpad?
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

5. When was the first time you started writing?
At 13 when my teacher saw that I had writing potential and asked me to write a short story of about 5 chapters. 

6. Can you give some advice about writing? 
Always envision your characters, their backgrounds and their goals to achieve in each chapter. When you're writing do not think about the typos or mistakes and just write all the ideas down, that way your writing will flow and you can fix all the mistakes after writing, in your editing phase, before posting. Have fun while writing!

7. How/Where do you get ideas for your stories?
I am a very random person, I don't get them from any fixed place. So, I usually always have the note app on my phone open so that whenever people talk and say something I think my characters would say better then or even have a comeback, instantly an idea. Sometimes when I listen music and imagine my characters activity while the song plays, almost seeing it as a movie. Lol and a lot more.

8. Where do you usually write? 
Mostly in the comfort of home on my computer or sometimes at the beach.

9. Are you able to write everyday?
Definitely not, with school, homework, studying & wattpad, finding a balance is not easy.

10. How do you find time to write? 
By making a schedule for myself, I am a night writer so I would sleep an hour or two, have my alarm set and get up, round about 1am and write until 2/3 am, that way there are no distractions, but if I am not in a writing mood, then research goes :)

11. How do you feel about Wattpad books/E books vs Printed books?
Reading on your phone or tablet is convenient but I find printed books more appealing, as you get the real, feel, smell and experience of the book. Lol and if your parents want to lecture you about being on your phone, you've got a book. 

12. What are your tips for someone who has just started Wattpad? 
Firstly, have some leisure reading to get a feeling for which genre you want to read/write about. Secondly, interact with the wattpad community, make friends and never hesistate to ask their opinions on anything writing related. Thirdly, if you take the leap of writing on Wattpad then be certain that you have at least one or two chapters written so that you can get a breather when readers want you to update:)

The Electra In Me Questions 

1. Your book has a lot to do with music. Was this inspired by anything? 
Yes, I am wholeheartedly a music lover and thought I'd give it a go. 

2. If there is any, who is your favorite character from the story? 
The adorable Matthew and vivacious Valeria.

3. Electra's name is so unique. Is it based off any real people? And how did you think of the name? 
When I was born, my dad always wanted to name me Electra, but my mom decided otherwise XD I love unique names and when I was writing my first chapter, my dad told me this, so I decided to daub my protagonist Electra, due to the 'what 4. Valeria knows how to speak Spanish, which adds more depth to the story. How/why did you decide to do that? Any inspiration? 
Overall, I love the language and I read somewhere that every character is somehow a part of each writer, so I decided to add that to Val's character. 

5. Your playlist is awesome. How did you select the songs?
After writing the chapter, I would put all my songs on shuffle and listen to the words, I would select the one that relates the most to the chapter. Or I would browse through the top songs on the billboard and check which sounds better for the chapter. 
6. What's the best part of writing your book?
The part where my characters take over the keyboard and do their own thing. Which leaves me excited to write everytime, that anticipation of what happens in the next chapter:) 

Thank you, to all awesome wattpadians, if you're a music lover, checkout my book: The Electra In Me. Or if you love Princess's going incognito, feel free to read: The Princess Living A Teenage Dream:)


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