Café Jokes by quicklydolan: Book Review

"All they needed was a prank that went wrong and a Café down the road to capture each other's hearts."

Winning second place in The Stellar Awards 2018, Cafè Jokes surely stood out from the crowd with the hillarious pranks and unique plot. 

For the uninformed, The Stellar Awards is a yearly competition that opens every May, enabling writers to showcase their talents. Holding eleven genres and thirty slots, only three winners are selected. It goes by the following criteria; book cover & other graphics (ten points), plot (twenty points), characters (ten points), writing style (thirty points), and grammar, punctuation & tone (ten points). 

Below is a review of chapter one and two of quicklydolan's amazing work. 

score: 9/10
The. Design. Is. Beautiful! I recall that you requested from Graphic Shoppe in the past, but even if the cover I had created wasn't the one on your book [ within the time of judging ], the design was beautiful. I might have said this in the other reviews, but I find simplicity and minimalism so elegant -- sometimes they're prettier than bright and loud covers, and I'll never get tired of admiring simplicity. I loved it, good job.

Cafe Jokes by quicklydolan

score: 9/10
As far as I've read, the characters I encountered were; Kelly, Gabi, Reece, Leo, and Cassie. 
Let me start by saying KELLY AND GABI ARE HILLARIOUS. I can't believe they have a hat full of pranks (I might just convince my best friends to do that so I can annoy them HAHA). I love how Kelly is described as a model, while Gabi had more of an edgy gothic style. I just want you to be careful with this, since most Wattpad books have friends who are polar opposites, (ya know, the pretty and the emo one) and that might steer you towards clichés. 
But aside from that, Reece and Leo were also cool, although again, be careful with the clichés of typical bad boys who hit on girls, the one night stands, blah, blah, blah, you get it 😂

I love your characters, and I'm curious as to what will happen when and if Kelly pranks Reece. 

score: 9/10

The length of the chapters was perfect for Wattpad (not too long, and not too short). Puctuation, check. Grammar, check. My only concern is the spelling, where there was a typo in the description, and in chapter one. 
Gabi got up to, picking up her purse.

should be
Gabi got up too, picking up her purse.

I'm not sure if this is already edited since I wrote this review a few days ago, but the mistakes are small errors that can easily be fixed.

And by the way, I love your playlist! Especially Back To You by Selena Gomez, it's my current fave.

score: 17/20
"All they needed was a prank that went wrong and a Café down the road to capture eachothers hearts."
First, please check your spelling on the description, since it may throw off some readers (: Eachothers should be each other's.
As far as I have read, the plot is unique. Kelly and Gabi have a violet hat with pranks, and from there on I can tell it's different, which I love. Small details count, and this is an important factor because it's not something you see everyday. Great job.

score: 24/30

I'm only reviewing chapters one and two, but I can't not mention that your prologue is amazing. I love it, and I'm really curious about the ones speaking in the conversation. (I think it's Kelly and Reece?)

The cafe is located in London, but I suggest adding more description. Make the readers feel London. Let them hear the british accent. Let them see more. I myself haven't been to the U.K, and would like to see a little more details with your words (:

score: 68/70

Of course, you wouldn't have won second place if your work wasn't amazing. I loved it, good job. I recommend everyone to check out Cafe Jokes and give it a chance!

end of review

For Wattpad readers who are reading my blog post, this is a more edited and clean version of the original review, since I have to be more professional when posting. Interviews and other critiques will be posted in the near future, so watch out for it!

(Graphics and quotes used belong to their rightful owner, quicklydolan)


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