Quicklydolan : The Interview

quicklydolan is the author of Cafe Jokes (Second Place Winner for teenfic). Here I have an interview about the ups, downs, and experiences of writing.

1. Why do you write?
I write to express my feelings.

2. How long have you been writing?
For three years I think 

3. Do you believe in Writer's block? if som how do you deal with this?
Yes I do. When I get a writer's block I stay away from writing for weeks until I get my inspiration back. 

4. What is your favorite book outside of Wattpad?
These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly and Harry Potter by J.K Rowling.

5. When was the first time you started writing?
In 2016 on an app called Spirit Fanfiction 

6. Can you give some advice on writing?
Try and write about real life issues and about things that you like or things that relate to you.

7. How/where do you get ideas for stories?
Most of the events in my stories are based of real life things that happened to me or my friends and the ideas usually just pop into my brain.

8. Where do you usually write?
I usually write late at night, like at two in the morning, while lying in my bed.

9. Are you able to write everyday?
nope not at all

10. How do you find time to write?
When I have nothing to do I write but as I said I normally write late at night 

11. How do you feel about wattpad books/e books vs. published books? 
Wattpad books are nice but you really have to dig deep to find those books which are as good as printed books. 

12. What are your tips for someone who has just started Wattpad? 
Don't get intimidated by writers who have more reads than you because they always started with no reads at all. And don't give up. 

1. Where did the idea for Cafe Jokes come from?
So on wattpad there is this thing called the JustWriteIt challenge and I decided to do it. Since I entered it during April the challenge for that month was to write a story about an April fool's prank wrong. You had to have 10k words by the 30th of April and only then could you submit your book. I didn't finish in that time but I got so addicted to writing the book that I decided to finish it.

2. Kelly and Gabi are awesome. Are they based off any real people?
Gabi is based of many of my friends, and Kelly is based of me but with a little extra spice. 

3. Leo likes making jokes. Can you tell us your funniest joke?
Pfft its probably the only that I wrote in the book; What did one snowman say to the other? Nice balls. 

4. What's the best prank you've pulled?
I'm terrible at pranks. 

5. Why did you decide to let the story take place in London?
I've never been to London but I've always loved the place and so I decided to set it in London. 

6. What's the best part of writing your book?
SPOILER ALERT but it's probably all the love hate romance that's going to take place. 

If you're into teen fic I'd love it if you check out my book Cafe Jokes, I promise you won't regret it and if you're into poetry i have a poetry book called The Stars Far Beyond which is basically about girls and boys with broken hearts. So c'mon don't be shy and stop by! 


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