Back At It Again

     In the deepest, darkest parts of the worldwide web lived an unhinged website. No one wanted to read it, yet it was filled with an indescribable type of euphoria that triggered bright beams of merriment. Drenched in pink and filled with amateur posts, it served as a second home to a passionate writer who was eager to let the world know of her craft. 

But with thorough research, she discovered another site, one more part of the world that was welcome and comforting. She wrote and wrote every single day -- poured her heart out with every sentence and blasted all types of emotions in her words, praying that people would read it.

And the results were absoloutely overwhelming.

People cared. They read, and gave attention, and rooted for her. So she migrated to that new home, desserting the isolated, pink house and traded it for another, as she exerted all her efforts and time into getting better.

That was me, two years ago. My name's Stella, and this is my blog, Stellar Dreams.


Let me all orient you about how exactly my journey on writing started. I used to have a blog, and it was colored in even more pink that a large number of people would have hated me for being inhumanly in love with the girly shade of blush. (And if you're wonderng, yes, it's still alive and I won't be declaring the title because my writings were very cringey.) I would upload pieces everyday and hope from the bottom of my heart that someone would read them.

But the moment I had discovered Wattpad, I shifted from publishing my works there instead of writing for my blog. My audience grew, and I had gained confidence in letting others read my work. Now, I'm back and looking forward to blogging all over again. I've learned that sometimes, I just need a location to endlesly vent my thoughts.

What is Wattpad?

In my own words, Wattpad is a site that enables writers to share their works, and for readers to find some awesome stories.

From my experiences, I can say that Wattpad is a friendly community and can definitely shape you into becoming a better writer. I wish I had known about this earlier, back in 2014.

I just want to say that as a writer, it's heartwarming when people leave comments or votes. It seems like a measly action, but it can brighten up my day so much. This is partly my reason of leaving my old blog. Some people don't care about anyone reading their work merely because of the fact that they purely love doing it, but c'mon guys. 

Realistically speaking, you want people to see what you've done. No one wants a wide gust of effort to go into nothing, right? You want confirmation that you're on the right track. You want to inspire people and touch their lives through the chunks of text they read from their phone's screen.

That's why I love Wattpad -- it's a community that legitimately gives attention to amazing writers. You don't need anything, just passion. With determination, people will read what you write. Trust me.


In the near future, I will post interviews with The Stellar Awards' champions, and may possibly upload their works as well. If you want to learn more about this, visit

That's all for today, if anyone's reading this. Have a stellar night xx

- s t e l l a


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