His Lucky Charm by Nikithasuz123: Book Review

Devon Porter could never believe his unusually bad luck because wherever he went disasters always seemed to bite him in the ass.  
What's the use of being blessed with such undeniably good looks when his luck seems to repel everyone away like a very strong bug spray. 
After seventeen years of horrible incidents and a string of unfortunate crushes he finally decides he is doomed forever, that is until he meets his lucky charm. 

Packed with humor and the perfect characters, His Lucky Charm was the best of all teen fiction entries this year. Not too cliché, and not too unusual.

As I mentioned in my earlier reviews, The Stellar Awards is a yearly competition that opens every May. Holding eleven genres and thirty slots, only three winners are selected. It goes by the following criteria; book cover & other graphics (ten points), plot (twenty points), characters (ten points), writing style (thirty points), and grammar, punctuation & tone (ten points). 

After seeing reviews of the first and second placers for the awards, I now present the Teen Fiction category's overall winner, His Lucky Charm by Nikithasuz123

score: 10/10

  All I can say is, your cover is sooo aesthetically pleasing! It's simple, yet elegant, which I really love (I know I've mentioned this way too many times but simplicity alwayyys wins) It's definitely eye catching and will make more people want to read your book. 

His Lucky Charm by Nikithasuz123

score: 10/10
  Devon is hillarious! In a small way, I find him pretty cute (i hope that's a good thing lol). I also love Jamie, since he's such a great friend and adds some humor to the story.
  In chapter two, I recall that Devon was supposed to give a bouquet to Kiara, and she ended up switching lab partners. I felt bad for him, but found the situation adorable nonetheless. He reminds me of Milo from Milo Murphy's Law, which is sort of the same as His Lucky Charm.
Also, I can't 'not' share this with the world.
"She hates me, she hates me -- "
"Who? Kiara? No she doesn't,"
"Really? She doesn't hate me?" 
"Nope, she's always hated you."
That's a conversation of Jamie and Devon, see how REAL their frienship is? I love it!
While judging The Stellar Awards, one of the main points I had to focus on was how much the characters' personality was showing. You can't just narrate their thoughts and stamp a name on the POV. But with your story, god, the personalities were showing just with the first and second chapters! Some writers have trouble with this, and I'm glad to see that your story was able to avoid it.

GRAMMAR AND OTHERS                   
score: 10/10

  As far as I've read, the grammar is perfect. No problems with spelling, capitalization, or pronunciation. The paragraphs were spaced evenly (I tend to look out for this, because books on Wattpad should have more space in between lines than published books), enough for people to read clearly.

score: 19/20

Let me present the description again.                     

Devon Porter could never believe his unusually bad luck because wherever he went disasters always seemed to bite him in the ass.

What's the use of being blessed with such undeniably good looks when his luck seems to repel everyone away like a very strong bug spray.
After seventeen years of horrible inccidents and a string of unfortunate crushes he finally decides he is doomed forever, that is until he meets his lucky charm.
I mean, seriously. Wattpad is full of clichés and some writers find it hard to avoid sometimes (that includes me, sadly), but His Lucky Charm is really unique. It makes you wonder, and gets you curious. What will happen if this 'Devon' is jinxed? Will he really meet his lucky charm? Why exactly is bad luck following him? 
My only concern is that, out of wattpad there are some stories about jinxed people, jinxed families, jinxed relationships, etc., etc. thus explaining the 19/20. But nevertheless, it is easily overlooked and doesn't affect my positive thoughts about your story. 
score: 25/30

Now this is a story of a very unlucky boy, and when I say unlucky, I mean extremely very unlucky. Even the devil himself would be scared of him.
Wow. Just wow. I was immediately hooked. It's not your typical 'teen fiction' story, and I love that. 
And aside from that, your writing is humorous.
"Why couldn't you get bloody pregnant?" she vents out as Dr. Moss instructs her to keep pushing harder.
He wanted to tell her that it was because he didn't have a set of ovaries like she did, but wisely decided to keep that information to himself as she continued to yell at the top of her lungs. 
Lol. I loved that. This was one of your strong points, but I think you have a habit of putting too much flashbacks.         

In chapter one, I was a bit confused because the chapter turned out to be about Devon's dad. I got that the father wasn't the narrator, but I got it quite mixed up at the same time. In chapter two, Devon reminisces about Kiara, to how he and Jamie became friends, and then how he accidentally got his hair colored white. See how the topic jumps a lot? The info is all laid out straightforwardly. In my opinion, I just think it's better to let out these pieces of data little by little, and add a bit of action or drama while you gradually let the readers know more about the characters' past (: 
This is just an opinion though, and it's easy to fix (:

total score: 74/80

In totality, your book is amazing. I admire you as a writer, and wish you the best of luck with writing ☺ Congratulations for being the overall champion!

end of review

Seriously, head to Wattpad and read His Lucky CharmNikithazus123's interview will be posted soon.                  

Note: Graphics and Descriptions belong to their rightful owner.



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