Nikithasuz123: The Interview

Nikithasuz123, the author of His Lucky Charm (Overall Champion, Teen Fiction Category), shares tips and experiences on the journey of writing. 

1. Why do you write?
Well, I enjoy it. It makes me happy

2. How long have you been writing?
I have always loved telling my baby sister bedtime stories but never thought of writing them down. I first joined wattpad five years ago and was hooked to the stories. I decided to try writing my own around 3 years back.

3. Do you believe in Writer's Block? If so, how do you deal with this?
Writer's block is a pain. I pen down my thoughts whenever and come back to editing and improving it. I don't force myself to write, but I guess music helps with my writing ;)

4. What is your favorite book outside of Wattpad? 
I love love love Percy Jackson, Artemis Fowl, Eragon series and Game of Thrones. I love Fantasy!

5. How do you select the names of your characters?
Well, to be honest I don't give so much importance to my character's names. If a name suits their personality, I stick to it ;) 

6. When was the first time you started writing?
It was 3 years back in 2016, I wrote my first fanfiction. I was during my exams. It was a good stress reliever.

7. Can you give some advice on writing? 
Always think of ways to improve yourself. Have a broad mind and take suggestions from readers. Keep reading your work so that you can correct your mistakes. Read a lot as well to help your grammar and vocabulary.

8. How/where do you get ideas for stories?
I've been told that I have a wild imagination, so they come from my crazy mind and I combine them with incidents that have happened in my life XD 

9. Where did your love for reading/writing come from?
My dad. He is the one who first got me hooked on Enid Blyton. He was a book worm too! My mom on the other hand is an English teacher. She made me practice my creative writing and encouraged me to write stories.

10. Are you able to write everyday?
Sadly, no. My college life is very hectic and since I have loads of work and assignments, I can't write as much as I used to.

11. How do you find time to write?
I mostly write whenever I can. Mostly on weekends and during holidays, or whenever I need to write down my ideas. I don't have a proper writing schedule. Maybe now I should.

12. How do you feel about Wattpad books/e books vs. printed books? 
I can't compare the two. I love both.

13. What are your tips for someone who has just started Wattpad? 
Join book clubs, interact with people. Don't get mad if people point out your mistakes. Always have room for improvement, and don't get discouraged if your book isn't popular. Always be happy with your work and make others happy  :)

His Lucky Charm Questions

1. Where did the idea for His Lucky Charm come from?
It just popped in my head. I had a bad day, I slipped and fell on the basketball court, and my pant tore in front of my crush. It scarred him for life. That was one of the main reasons I wrote "His lucky charm'. The idea of bad luck revolving around the main character.

2. Are the characters based off any real people? What inspired you to write about them? 
It's based a bit around my friends and I. We are generally a goofy bunch.

3. What do you enjoy most about writing this book?
The humor. I know that I'll sound like a sadist, but I enjoy writing about Devon's misfortunes XD Especially when he ripped his shorts infront of his crush, It was so relatable!

4. What is the hardest part of writing this book?
The humor, ironic, I know. But your readers either think you're funny or you aren't. I always take time imagining the scenes and decide whether to include them or not.

5. His Lucky Charm is also in the humor category, and has a lot of funny scenes. How are you able to maintain a light and comedic setting?
It's hard, but since a lot of embarrassing incidents have happened to me, I think it's easy to write about them. Hopefully my readers enjoy my humor and my lame puns.

6. Devon is a very unlucky guy. Sometimes, do you feel like you're just like him? 
Yes, he is like the brother I never had.

7. Jamie is Devon's best friend. What were you to do if you were Jamie?
I would ditch him and find better friends, lol, just kidding. I guess I would help him with his love life but then again, he would just mess it up by himself.

8. If you could meet your characters in real life, what would you do/say to them? 
I think I would avoid Devon. I already have enough bad luck. I would regret it and sit and gawk at his handsome face and irresistible white hair.

My forte is mostly humor, if you guys enjoy jokes and lame puns I hope you guys can check out my works - His Lucky charm and Revenge of the fat wallflower. You'll laugh till you cry, I guarantee it.

Photo Credits to Nikithasuz123


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