Graphic Shoppe

I was a crappy writer.

Let's face it. The past was a cobblestoned road of mistakes and errors, and truthfully, I am still a crappy writer.

But writing's my dream and my happiness, so why in the world would I stop doing it? 

Those were the shuffling rackets of thoughts encompassing my brain when I decided to open Graphic Shoppe. I wanted to write, not to design, but I couldn't hide the significant part of my heart that had the admiration for decorating.

It was another risk. Another jump I'd have to take in order to be where I wanted to be. 

So you can guess what I did.

I went for it.

I ramsacked Pinterest, while downloading all of the most stylish fonts had to offer. Designing apps invaded the space of my mobile phone, while I would bury my head in beneath my palms to ask if I would push through.

What if I don't succeed?

If people don't read what I write, what's the use of a graphic shoppe? 

But those what-ifs made me stronger, and I did push through. I was awestruck when I started to advertise it, people were completely in love with my art.

It gained a thousand reads in its first day of publishing, and increased my number of followers. I don't regret anything, because in the end, it helped boost my confidence and enabled me to get more known as a writer.

See, that's the thing with me. I've been having a plethora of thoughts concerning my abilities, and it came to my attention that I have a talent for graphic desigining. Utterly Impossible, my novel, gained two hundred reads on it's first week of publishing. My design book, hovever, had five times more reads in a day. 

Some people take cover designing for granted, but I've seen a lot of cover/grahic shops on Wattpad that have been uploaded for a year. And no one's given their time to take a look at it.

Now, graphic shoppe is advancing with new features. This coming July, I will be offering playlist grahics, manipulated covers, manipulated banners, and movie posters.

Playlist Graphics made by Stella
Coming Soon to Graphic Shoppe

Manipulated covers made by Stella
Now available on Graphic Shoppe

I am in no way a professional graphic designer, and I truthfully have even more experience in the field of writing than with art (except if you count my past addictions to drawing, painting, and calligraphy)

For more details, you can check my Wattpad account and complete the payments.


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