Traveler: Book Review

Traveler Review

champion in the stellar awards 2018

Trapped in a cafe that travels to seven dimensions on an infinite loop, Jaz Contra serves coffee while trying to locate the mysterious white-haired man who put her there. 

  When a young shapechanger named Bracken--whose search for his missing aunt leads him to this very cafe--stows away in her basement, Jaz must help him survive until he can return to his own world. Through a series of bizarre encounters with talking tigers, polymorphs, alchemists, thieves and the occasional grim reaper, Bracken's efforts to locate his aunt create daily chaos, threatening Jaz's chances of ever escaping--not to mention the stability of seven universes.

I loved the simplicity of your cover! Anything not too flashy is perfect even if I did find it a little plain. Your trailer is another notable part of the book because it definitely added a more vibrant picture in my head. Even if you didn't get a perfect mark with the score, your plot and style definitely boosted up your points, which is way better (:

When judging this part of the criteria, I don't base characters off their personality (of course, because that's just wrong). I look at the impact of the characters starting off the first chapter. Readers need to see a pinch of their attitude, even if it may just be a little bit. And while reading the first part of your story, I was already able to have a first impression towards the old man and towards the story. The little details count; how they react to a drink, or how they look at the cafe, and you definitely deserve the ten points. Reading Jaz and Astrid's part was also great, because seeing how the shapechangers functioned really intrigued me and added depth to the fictional universe.

Your grammar, punctuation, spelling, and voice should be the leastof your worries. The story looks very well edited and the chapters have a considerable length. Good job!


From weeks of reading Fantasy novels, I was clearly able to point out the differences and unique parts of your story. Without a doubt, yours evidently stood out. I don't have much to say, but I must let you know that the 'end of the world part' in the first chapter was the best. I hadn't seen that coming, and I salute you for being able to inject action immediately. It's not everyday that you come across stories of baristas and mysterious white haired men.

Keep it up, because this will make readers come back for more.


I love your writing style! I can vividly paint all the details in my head as well as the characters. Just by the first chapter, I was able feel and see this world you were creating, and for that, I congratulate you. The voice and tone is natural, and you perfectly show what happens instead of telling.


In totality, the uniqueness of your plot is the best factor. It's a good read, and even though I don't usually read fantasy books, it got me intrigued. Amazing work.


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